- Provides multiple mode of action such as antifeedant, repellent, Insect growth regulator and ovipositional deterrent, etc.
- Acts as Natural an Insecticide, Fungicide,Larvicide and Miticide
- With multiple mode of action, the product is well suited both in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Insect Resistance Management (IRM) programs.
- Helps in managing chewing and sucking pests.
- Control of thrips, whitefly, aphid, caterpillar, scale insects, mealy bug, etc
- It enhances traditional chemical treatments and is beneficial to both organic as well as conventional agriculture.
- Does not harm beneficial insects & predators.
- Due to the strong smell and taste of KAM NEEM POWER, Pests move away from the crop.
- Neem oil is emulsifiable, eco-friendly, biodegradable.
- A broad-spectrum botanical insecticide derived from the neem tree seed kernel.
- Product approved for biopesticide use by CIB & RC
- Controls insect during all life stage such as egg, larva, pupa, and adult.
- Product with good translaminar action.
- Azadirachtin of 10000 ppm
- Useful for all crops
- 1.5 -2 ml/litre of water/ 1ltre per an acre
- Spray at first sight of pest
- Ensure thorough spray across the field
- Repeat spray at 8-12 days interval
- Don’t mix with copper based fungicides
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