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Neem oil is a natural by-product of the Neem tree which contains Azadirachtin which acts as natural Insecticide which controls the life cycle of most common plant eating bugs. Hence, KAM NEEM PLUS is beneficial to both organic as well as conventional agriculture.

  • Neem oil is emulsifiable, eco-friendly, biodegradable.
  • A broad-spectrum botanical insecticide derived from the neem tree seed kernel.
  • Product approved for biopesticide use CIB & RC
  • Controls insect during all life stage such as egg, larva, pupa, and adult.
  • Product with good translaminar action.
  • Provides multiple mode of action such as antifeedant, repellent, Insect growth regulator and ovipositional deterrent, etc.
  • Acts as Natural an Insecticide, Fungicide, Larvicide and Miticide
  • With multiple mode of action, the product is well suited both in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Insect Resistance Management (IRM) programs.
  • Helps in managing chewing and sucking pests.
  • Controls of thrips, whitefly, aphid, caterpillar, scale insects, mealy bug, etc
  • It enhances traditional chemical treatments and is beneficial to both organic as well as conventional agriculture.
  • Does not harm beneficial insects & predators.
  • Due to the strong smell and taste of KAM NEEM PLUS, Pests move away from the crop.
  • Azadirachtin of 300 ppm
  • Useful for all crops
  • 4-5 ml/litre of water/ 1ltre per an acre
  • Spray at first sight of pest
  • Ensure thorough spray across the field
  • Repeat spray at 8-12 days interval
  • Don’t mix with copper based fungicides